

The first stage of a new mound project. I am collecting old fishing line to thread through the holes.


My first coiled pot

I love the way the porcelain finds it's own way with the weight of each coil.


wood to gold

The oxidised pieces are on wood that I didn't shellac. As I am using Dutch gold  I need to shellac but have left some pieces to see what would happen.


Drawing with felt

I've been making more shoelace felt recently. There's something about making an object out of a continuous thread.

 felted neck piece, acid dyed merino
felted caplet, merino dyed in arbutus bark


wood and clay

I am interested to see what will happen when I burn these.  I was inspired by the Bruder Klause Field Chapel in Germany, designed by Peter Zumthor and built by some of the local farmers.


new material


I have just started working with clay,  hand building.  Not sure about the glazes, a bit shiny.  I much prefer the unglazed pieces.  At the moment my selection of glazes is limited.     


Liverpool Art Fair

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Into the Woods

Self Portrait While Here

both of these sculptures have been accepted into the Liverpool Art Fair
found wood and gold leaf



World of Threads Festival

Here is an image of the piece I did for the De rerum natura (On The Nature of Things) at the World of Threads Festival. Check out the website for more images some really great work in a really beautifully curated show by Gareth Bate. http://www.worldofthreadsfestival.com/artwork_pages/2012/de_rerum_natura_joshua_creek_12.html




bounty from beach-combing expedition along the shores of Hightown