

I Can Hear The Trees Sing

This piece is in the De rerum natura ( On The Nature of Things) at Joshua Creek Heritage Arts Center

 Here is the link to the show


 artist statement

This piece is rooted in my sensory memory of the landscape I have come to call home: wild tenacious, full of vibrancy, textured and rich in colour. It was these very things that at first terrified me about the Canadian Landscape. Coming from a land of manicured parks and gardens where that  wildness is contained neatly in museum boxes to be viewed from a distance. I have since come to relish the wildness gulping in great breaths of it.

Having decided to take a long visit back to England it is the unrestrained land I find myself missing: witnessing history thru trees, mountains the shape and layer of a river bed.

Looking at Emily Carr with fresh eyes her dripping green hued forests filled with ghosts and spirits: I
find myself longing to breath in the mossy damp earth and feel the moist air on my cheeks.

This piece is my response to this desire to find a grassy knoll to lay my head and to rub my hands into the green carpeted land.

The practice of felt making brings my senses closer to this desire: working with the textures of wool and silk: the physicality of working the fibers into material. Dyeing and shibori enable me to mark the cloth leaving the path I have just traveled.

whats on my desk


Happy Birthday

Today is the 60th anniversary of the barcode
This is an image of a dress I made using barcodes from cd's


Tea leaf bundles unwrapped

Feb 10, Yurba Mate, ' Talking Head'

Jan 29, Rooibus,  'Diving Head First' 

Feb 02, Black Tea,  'A Heart of Many Colours'

Feb 10 Yurba Mate, 'Talking Head'
Feb 12, Black Tea, 'Contained Explosion'
Feb 04, Yurba Mate, 'Message Bubbles'
Feb 09, Yurba Mate, 'Dinosaur Magic'

This is a small selection of my tea leaf readings I now have almost a years worth.
I really love the words attached to this project. It's going to be interesting how I put
it all together.


remnant to porcelain

First samples from new project 'Remnant' I dipped fabric and hand spun yarn into porcelain. They look very coral like and the sound is amazing.

 my website http://fallingmoss.com/


This piece ' I Can Hear The Trees Sing' has been accepted into the show  De rerum nataura (On The Nature of Things)  at this years World of Threads Festival. : http://www.worldofthreadsfestival.com
at Joshua Creek Heritage Arts Center in  Oakville, Ontario, Canada, Nov 2 - 18.  I am really excited to be included with such amazing textile artists from around the world. All of the shows look amazing.
I made this piece in response to moving back to England feeling the need to find a mossy shelter in the woods.


mint tea May 31,  Fragmented Leap

berry tea, April 14 Reclining Lady
bundles on a recent trip to Portugal

yurba mate, May 24, Bunny Magic Turning Deer
I am working on a year long project where everyday I give myself a tea leaf reading: tea leafs are poured onto a square of fabric I then write down my interpretation, fabric is then bundled and tied and left to sit giving it time to mark the fabric. 
I decided to do this project to coincide with my return back to England. Still working on how I'm going to piece squares together. Some kind of shelter is what I keep coming back to.


i am working on a series of textile mounds
this piece was in the "animal fibers: art informs shibori"
8th international shibori symposium in hong kong 2011